• Pentru creditele de investitii imobiliare pentru o perioada de 10 ani va rugam sa ne contactati.
  • Exceptional, pot fi aprobate imprumuturi sub/peste suma minima sau maxima in functie de nevoile solicitantului.

  • 0.00LeiLei

    *Rata Lunara

    Vrei un credit rapid?

    • * Rata lunara este alcatuita din principal si dobanda si a fost calculata cu procentul de dobanda de 3%/luna. Debitorul beneficiaza lunar de o reducere care se aplica la plata ratei lunare cu conditia achitarii integrale a ratelor lunare datorate cel tarziu la data scadentei.
    • Procentul de dobanda si modalitatea de rambursare sunt negociabile.
    • Nu se percepe comision de rambursare anticipata partiala sau integrala.
    • Prezentele informatii sunt orientative si NU au valoare contractuala.

    entru un credit de nevoie personale cu garantie imobiliara in valoare de 10.000 lei pe o perioada de 12 luni, ai rata dobanzii fixa – 36% pe an, rata lunara – 1.004,62 lei, dobanda anuala efectiva (DAE) 42,63%, iar suma totala de achitat este de 12.055,45 lei.


                                                                        Forecast Policy

    EASY CREDIT 4 ALL IFN S.A. provides investors with annual financial forecasts.

    The financial forecasts include projections of income and expenditure elements (revenue and expenditure budgets), subject to approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting (AGM) as well as, as the case may be, cash flow elements associated with investment budgets subject to approval by the AGM .

    In preparing the financial forecasts, the Management and the Board of Directors of the Company shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the assumptions and scenarios used are appropriate and provide realistic estimates of the expected future financial results or of the impact on the financial position and performance of the Company.

    EASY CREDIT 4 ALL IFN S.A. is based on budget assumptions that may include: data on macroeconomic conditions, forecasts and estimates, the main strategic objectives of the company, business projects, sales models, financing, etc.

    These data are obtained based on the information that the company has:

    • internal;
    • from public sources;
    • from reputable consultants who specialize in providing such information.  

    EASY CREDIT 4 ALL IFN S.A. adjusts its activity according to the economic-legal realities in which it operates, so as to apply market opportunities, respond as best as possible to the situations it faces, while preserving, at the same time, the organic, prudent and sustainable nature of its development .

    These forecasts can be provided to investors through the official website of the Company, or through other means to ensure their knowledge, and are part of the annual reports made available to investors.

    Investors are informed about the income and expenditure budget and the investment budget, in the form in which they are proposed for approval and, respectively, approved in the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Budget assumptions and their interpretation are not published. The budget is approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders, in accordance with the provisions of the law.